Finding Inspiration in Every Turn
Heritage is tasked with presenting programs and demonstrations to other groups in our community.
For example: State Fair of Oklahoma Libraries Churches Schools Living Centers/Nursing Homes
The Weekly Star Farmer from Kansas City began printing patterns for quilters in 1926. Many of these patterns were duplicated in WFS sister publication, The Oklahoma Farmer Stockman. The publications carried on the tradition until 1961.
The quilt patterns were published weekly at first, then as interest seemed to dwindle, the patterns were printed monthly before being pulled from the publication all together.
In all, just over 1000 quilt patterns were published by the Kansas City newspaper. Collectors have found copies of all of them and now offer a compilation for sale.
The Kansas City newspaper was not the only one to publish newspaper quilt patterns. Many other rural papers did the same.
The 1930 newspaper quilt patterns helped preserve part of the country’s heritage. Even though times were tougher than ever economically, the 1930 newspaper quilt patterns focused on the things that were truly important to quilters of that day and served as an emotional boost as well.

Our Story
In 1986, the founders of the Central Oklahoma Quilt Guild